Getting started with the ReachDeck Auditor

A quick recap

The ReachDeck Auditor will help you to comply with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Use it to scan your URLs at scale for 370 WCAG errors. Discover accessibility and readability issues quickly and easily. Review errors including broken links, use of jargon words and long sentences. And prioritise website fixes with handy downloadable reports.

Are you logged in?

Below, we’ll show you how to use the ReachDeck Auditor. So make sure you’re logged in to the portal so you can follow along as we show you each step.

Using the ReachDeck Auditor

The ReachDeck Auditor saves you time from manually checking for accessibility errors. And removes the need for you to keep track of every change to your website. Instead, make scanning your website with the ReachDeck Auditor part of your team’s regular routine. So that you can keep on top of accessibility errors. And dedicate time to improving and maintaining accessibility.

To help you, we've created a step-by-step guide to using the Auditor.

Three areas to check using the Auditor

In the ReachDeck dashboard, under the Auditor section, you’ll see three areas: Compliance, Readability and Broken links. These are the three areas you can check for using the Auditor tool. Click on each one below, and we’ll take you to our step-by-step instructions for checking each.

With ReachDeck, I like the Auditor tool the most. I have relied on it heavily while updating my website. It flagged up code that was obsolete so I could fix it. It also flagged that a search bar on our website didn’t have a ‘submit’ button. This was a great find and allowed us to fix it too.

Tell your team about the ReachDeck Auditor

If you haven’t yet, share the news about ReachDeck with your colleagues.

We’ve made it easy for you, simply copy and paste this email template, and hit ‘Send to all.’

We’re here to help

Our friendly team is happy to support you in any way that they can. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to get in touch.

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