Motion, dexterity and physical disabilities

The Texthelp Group provides a wide range of tools that can be helpful to students who face the challenges of motion, dexterity and physical disabilities.

Who are these tools for? 

Students who have been diagnosed with Dyspraxia, Tourette Syndrome, ME, Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia.

What do these tools help with? 

  • Accessing content in an accessible way
  • Finding different ways to show knowledge
  • Producing accurate and well constructed work 
  • Greater comfort with more flexible ways to work, other than sitting at a computer
  • Cutting down to keystrokes to reduce strain on the body


Associated Products

Text to speech:

  • Where a physical disability or manual dexterity issue exists, students may not be able to sit or work in one position at a screen. By using text-to-speech, students can listen to course content being read aloud. 
  • With audio information, students can create audio files of text to facilitate greater flexibility when studying.




Speech to text:

  • Speech input tools help students who can’t, or prefer not to use a keyboard, to insert maths and science expressions verbally.




Word prediction: 

  • Word prediction, in combination with a keyboard guide/guard, allows those with hand tremors to quickly insert text with fewer keystrokes.




Scanning and screenshot reader: 

  • The scanning features mean students can convert hard copies of text and documents into digital versions, which cuts down on the volume of paper and books they have to carry. Where a physical disability or manual dexterity issue exists, any additional weight can often impact on general ease of movement and transport.




Writing Helper

Voice notes:

  • Voice notes are a great way for students to leave notes and feedback in a document without having to type, or print.
  • Where a physical disability or manual dexterity issue exists, voice notes support the student in responding and completing work without external support. It also enhances the ability to communicate with a tutor/lecturer. 
  • Voice notes are an easy way to collaborate on group projects.
  • Students can use voice notes as a self-reviewing tool, whilst editing assignments, adding voice amendments rather than written.


