Protocol for Accommodations in Reading (PAR)

PAR began as a printed manual, but the process itself was created years earlier by two assistive technology (AT) specialists with over 35 years of combined experience. It helps determine which students would benefit from reading accommodations.

Register to download

PAR helps find the best reading accommodations for students by offering reading material in different formats, like oral reading, adult reader, and text reader. Students then answer comprehension questions to identify which method helps them understand best. When you download PAR, you'll find details on how the PAR process works, what materials are needed, and how it can guide decisions to make learning more accessible for students. Register to get your free download.

Related: Q&A with Dr. Denise DeCoste

Join Dr. Denise DeCoste, the founder of PAR and uPar, as she shares her insights on the statewide impact uPar has had on literacy programs.