Mobile users greeted with a more intuitive Browsealoud

As you’d expect, we’re constantly looking at usage stats to inform the development of our technologies and Browsealoud is no different. Now that almost 70% of our users are accessing Browsealoud from a mobile device we thought it was a good time to take a fresh look at our mobile user experience.

New mobile toolbar, offering easier fingertip navigation

Mobile users greeted with a more intuitive Browsealoud experience

We have updated the Browsealoud mobile toolbar to make it even easier to access and use the reading support across all mobile devices, including small screens.

Browsealoud icons

New placement -  the first thing you will notice is that we have changed where the toolbar is positioned. When launched, the toolbar opens away from the launchpad and sits full width along the bottom of the screen. This snug position means it is less obtrusive to small screens, and on-screen content can be viewed freely. The position is also a common place for mobile toolbars, making the experience familiar to mobile users.

Improved accessibility - we have increased the size of the icons as well as the space between each icon, to make the toolbar more accessible and easier to navigate.

Sharper design - the toolbar has been given a crisper look and pops against the backdrop of common website designs, to ensure it can be easily viewed against surrounding elements.

Choice of color - the default toolbar color is Browsealoud orange, but there are three color schemes to choose from if the orange doesn’t sit well with your brand.  Users also have the ability to choose between the three color schemes during their browsing session.

Intuitive icons - as well as making the icons more prominent in size, we have updated them with more intuitive symbols.  ‘Point to speak’ now includes a ‘play’ symbol to indicate the function of the button, and changes to a ‘stop’ icon once pressed. A new ‘settings’ icon identifies where users can personalize the tool, and the ‘close’ icon is now contained within the toolbar, so that it is more easily identified.

Easier personalisation - the new ‘settings’ icon opens up a settings menu, where the user can select their language, set the voice speed and change color theme, all within one simple menu.

New launchpad option for mobile and desktop

First impression counts, and we are now offering a new launchpad with a more intuitive design - featuring both pictorial and word descriptives, the launchpad clearly shows that when pressed, a helpful tool will be launched.

New Browsealoud lanchpad

Universal design - the use of symbols which are universally recognized help demonstrate the tool’s function to all types of users. Even better, the label is localized dependent on the default language attributed to the page.

Choice of placement - the new launchpad is embedded into a website with code. This means it stays static in one position, so it is friendlier for small mobile screens. It also means it can be placed in a position where it will be easily noticed.

If you would like to know more about how Browsealoud can improve the experience for your online visitors, read more here.