Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Don Johnston Inc joining the Texthelp Group?
Texthelp and Don Johnston have a lot in common. We each have a vision of a world where every student can feel what it is like to learn and succeed. We have an incredibly similar mission to elevate as many students as possible, helping them understand and be understood. Our combined product suites offer students in North America and across the world the transformative educational environment they need to learn and succeed. Together, we will continue to innovate and develop our suite of products to create the best assistive technology tools available.
How will this change impact me as an educator and the students I support? What do students stand to gain from this change?
You will still be able to choose from the same range of products provided by both companies and you should only notice improvements in the services provided. Together, Texthelp and Don Johnston Inc. want to be champions of choice for students. This is reflective of our shared belief that everyone learns differently. By joining forces, we will be able to offer more solutions to students and we will be able to break down more barriers for them. Texthelp and Don Johnston have extensive technical knowledge and enhanced capabilities. By combining these shared resources, we expect to be able to help more students around the world. Straight away, we will be adding math reading to Snap&Read, borrowing from Texthelp’s EquatIO expertise. In the future, we will find more ways to combine our capabilities to improve the products and services we offer. We plan to add to the range of products available to students and bring innovation to the market more quickly.
Will service quality or policies change?
Texthelp Inc has been certified to ISO 27001, the information security management system standard, since 2018 and has very robust systems, policies and controls in place to protect the integrity of the services it provides and of the customer information in its care. Don Johnston Inc. currently has robust security and privacy controls in place and is working to become fully NIST CyberSecurity Framework compliant.
By working together we will strengthen the security posture of both companies and the quality of services will improve. Policies will not change in their intent but may change to reflect the collaboration between Don Johnston Inc. and Texthelp Inc.
Will there be any staffing changes that might affect me?
No, for the foreseeable future you will still continue to deal with the same people in the same way.
What happens if I want to buy a Texthelp tool and a Don Johnston tool?
That's no problem! One of the main reasons we have decided to join forces is because we believe our combined product ranges offer students the tools they need. We believe that everyone learns differently. We'll work together to recommend the right tools based on your students specific requirements.
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you are an existing customer of Texthelp or Don Johnston, you can get in touch with your usual point of contact - they will be more than happy to help answer any questions you might have. You can also contact us through this form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.