Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in Schools

1 in 5 learners has dyslexia, according to the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. 

Dyslexia is a learning disability that involves difficulty with reading. And since literacy is central to a learner’s day at school, it’s important to support reading challenges so learners with dyslexia can be successful.

We asked over 3,000 school staff about how their schools help learners with dyslexia. Fill out the form below to learn what they shared.

Find answers to the following questions:

  • How are schools supporting learners with dyslexia right now?
  • How could they improve support for learners with dyslexia?
  • What resources would they need?

“Millions of Students today aren’t part of the human story. Or at least that’s how they feel. They see their classmates read and write, sometimes with ease, learning about the people and worlds around them, but those exact same texts seem to speak a different language to them— a confusing and alien one.”

Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity

Transcending Dyslexia

A recent report from the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity, estimates that 20% of the population has dyslexia—representing 80-90% of individuals with learning disabilities.

People who grow up without the challenge of Dyslexia can often fail to consider its impact in structured learning environments. It’s easy to downplay the heartache experienced not just by students living every day with Dyslexia, but also by students who don’t know definitively if they have it. They need answers.