Tackling Inclusion One Strategy At a Time
UDL Touchdown: making a play for all learners
About the session
Looking to reimagine the future of education with an Inclusive Mindset? We invite participants to join the authors of Inclusive Learning 365: EdTech Strategies for Every Day of the Year in this session as they discuss intentionally planning and designing inclusively, one strategy at a time so that no learner is excluded.
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Neurodiversity & Disability Aren't Problems, But UDL is the Solution
Lilian Nave, Think UDL Podcast, Senior Lecturer, Faculty Coordinator and UDL Coordinator Appalachian State University.
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Allison Posey, Senior Content Editor & Producer at CAST and Loui Lord Nelson, President and Technical Assistance Provider at The UDL Approach
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Dr Catlin Tucker, Bestselling Author, International Trainer, and Keynote Speaker
UDL: Game Plan to Win
Nick Williams, Director of Technology Innovation for Bartholomew Consolidated Schools and Brenny Kummer, Assistant Director of Educational Technology for Bartholomew Consolidated Schools