Read&Write: Empowering Inclusivity at Newbattle High School


In the heart of Midlothian, just south of Edinburgh, Scotland, Newbattle High School is on an extraordinary inclusive education journey. With an expanding student body of 1,200 pupils, the school lives and breathes its core values - AIM HIGHER, which stands for Achieve, Include, Motivate, and Respect. These values form the very foundation of their mission: ensuring accessibility and inclusion for every student.

As Newbattle High School's student numbers surge, so has the need for comprehensive support with an all-school approach.

The school's visionary leadership, including the Depute and the Learning Technologist, recognised the pressing challenges students faced in reading, writing, and effective communication.

Their answer? Read&Write, which is now available to both its staff and students through Chromebooks.

Student Spotlight

I was so excited to start using Read&Write as before I would have someone type for me. So, I would talk to someone, and they would type what I was saying. Having to rely on someone was annoying as I couldn't talk as fast, and it wasn't as independent as I would have liked it.

Making a Difference

Teachers at Newbattle High School are embracing Read&Write as an indispensable tool. They have utilised it for hidden differentiation, ensuring that every student have access to the support they need, without fear of stigma. The results so far are impressive:

Notable Literacy Improvement: Within just one year of implementing Read&Write, Newbattle High School saw a remarkable 7% improvement in literacy among its students.

Student Empowerment: Teachers reported that students who had previously been hesitant to ask questions were now more engaged, leading to improved grades and a more enriching learning experience.

I feel so proud to be in a position where we have Read&Write and young people are provided with the support they need so they can achieve their fullest potential.

Discover Read&Write

To discover more about Read&Write, or to receive a demo, fill in the form and one of our Inclusive Technology Specialists will contact you.