For every student, all of the time
Our support technologies help students in the transition from school or college to Higher Education. Where there’s a greater focus on independent learning and self-study.
Literacy software
Our literacy software supports both students and lecturers on campus. To create an enriched, more inclusive learning experience for all. With tools to give students extra support with reading and independent study.
Helps millions of students and adults worldwide to read, and write and express themselves independently.
Numeracy software
EdTech software that makes it easy for staff and students to create digital maths. With tools to meet the needs of a wide range of personal learning styles. Across all STEM based subjects including science, pure maths, business and accounting.
Makes maths both digital and accessible. Type, handwrite, or dictate any expression, with no tricky coding to master.
Our tools are built with accessibility in mind. Which makes them great for students from overseas whose first language isn't English. Or students with additional needs like dyslexia or mild visual impairments. Products to make lessons, content and learning management systems accessible.
Cross-Product Accessibility Features
- Text to speech
- Speech Input
- Prediction
- Dictionary / Picture Dictionary
- Translate
Do you need help choosing which product is right for you?
Speak to one of our Texthelpers today if you have any unanswered questions about products or organising a pilot.
Useful Resources
Universal Design for Learning
Blended Learning
Supporting students online
What educators say about us
Natalie McLaughlin and Sally Leggo, Assistive Technology Specialists
Western Sydney University