One-Click OCR scanning

Readable image-only PDFs at the touch of a button.

OrbitNote OCR Scan Icon

Make every PDF in your classroom readable with OCR image to text technology

The OCR scanning feature in OrbitNote lets you make use of existing classroom papers, image-only PDFs, and other inaccessible resources by converting them to readable text that can be shared with students to edit as they need to.

The technical bit - how to OCR a PDF

When you open a PDF, OrbitNote will automatically check if the PDF is readable, and will prompt you to scan with one click if it isn't.

Then once your PDF has gone through OrbitNote’s OCR image to text process in the background, you’ll get a readable or editable version of the same PDF.

You’ll then be ready use OrbitNote's tools like text to speech, highlighters, annotation tools and more. The OCR Scanning feature allows you to scan your image-only resources so that you and your students can use all the great features of OrbitNote right in the original PDF.

Where does our OCR scanning software work?

  • OCR scanning is available in OrbitNote for Chrome
  • Coming soon to OrbitNote for Edge
  • Both Google and Microsoft users can use the OCR scanning option
  • OCR scanning also works with PDFs saved locally on your computer as well as web PDFs, including PDFs in Learning Management Systems like Schoology.

Are you ready to find out more about OrbitNote?

If you have any questions about the OCR scanning feature in OrbitNote, you’d like to see it in action or you’d like to talk to one of our Texthelpers about licensing options, then please complete this form.

Why do we need this detail?

The information you provide in this form will help us to direct you to the right person. It means we’ll be able to reply to you faster. We also ask if you’re interested in any other products because we often have multi-product discounts available.

When can you expect to hear from us?

We try to respond to you within 24 hours (max). Sometimes that isn’t always possible (over the weekend for example). But we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.