
  • 8 ways to support employees with dyslexia

    It has never been more important for companies to strengthen their commitment to inclusion.

    While many companies are making an effort to hire employees from all races, backgrounds, and walks of life, it is equally as important to hire neurodivergent talent as well. For those who are unfamiliar, neurodiversity is a concept where disabilities such as dyslexia are viewed simply as any other human variation as opposed to a deficiency. 

    With that said, some individuals with a neurodivergent condition may require additional tools and support. It’s important that you’re equipped to overcome any barriers they may experience.  This is why we have interviewed seven business leaders and asked them what is one way that employers can better support employees with dyslexia. Keep reading to learn easy ways you can help your company to be more inclusive and welcoming to those with neurodifferences!

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  • Press: Texthelp receives investment from Five Arrows

    Boston, December 16, 2020: Texthelp Ltd, the global leader in literacy and accessibility technology, today announced a significant investment from Five Arrows, the private equity arm of Rothschild & Co,  as it replaces LDC, the private equity arm of Lloyds Banking Group. Five Arrows is investing in Texthelp through its European fund (Five Arrows Principal Investments) and its US fund (Five Arrows Capital Partners). Five Arrows targets investments in category-leading B2B data and software companies across healthcare, education, and other vertical end-markets.

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  • Workload Matters

    "The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." - Stephen R. Covey.

    There are many acronyms and buzzwords in lots of different professions; I would argue none so much as in education. Whether it’s important you know the difference between your SIP and DIP or how to do DIRT, I’ll leave up to you. But one word that has been prevalent throughout my career has been ‘workload’. Teaching is one of those jobs where there is always something else you could be doing. The job is never done. And if you’re someone like me who’s a bit of a perfectionist, it’s a recipe for all sorts of problems. 

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  • Texthelp receives new investment from Five Arrows

    On behalf of everyone at Texthelp, I’m very happy to announce this morning that we have secured a significant investment from Five Arrows, the private equity arm of Rothschild & Co. 

    This follows an investment from LDC, private equity arm of Lloyds Banking Group back in May 2019, who are exiting as part of this transaction. 

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  • An FE Q&A: The College of the Future

    Our Educational Technology Strategist, Patrick McGrath, sat down with two leaders within the FE Sector for a Q&A on what the future holds for colleges in the UK. They discussed everything from the current state of the FE sector, the impact of COVID-19 on colleges, the role of technology and of course what they think the college of the future looks like.

    Hear from Stefanie Wilkinson, an education and quality improvement specialist working most recently as Director of Teaching and Learning in a large general FE college. And Lou Mycroft, a self proclaimed “FE nomad” with a background in public health and community work, who spent nearly two decades at the Northern College before making the decision to work nationally. 

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  • Tackling teacher workloads: a post-discussion ponder on tech for teaching

    We recently hosted a roundtable discussion on the issue of teacher workloads. Our panel included a range of leading educators from schools and organizations across the UK, who shared their own experiences and actionable advice on how to support teachers and senior leaders. As well as why they think EdTech, when used effectively, can help teachers, to help students. If you missed the live discussion, panelist Kat Howard, a Senior Leader at an all-through school in Northamptonshire, has shared her key takeaways and thoughts from the discussion. 

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