Topic: diversity and inclusion

Check out our diversity and inclusion resources and guides

Become a Disability Confident organisation

Before diving into your Disability Confident journey, find out how we started ours and how we continue to strive for an inclusive working environment for all

Disability Confident Employer logo and office backdrop

Affinity Water & Everway: Championing neurodiversity in business together

We’re thrilled to have our friends at Affinity Water join us in becoming members of Neurodiversity in Business (NIB) - a non-profit forum dedicated to fostering neuroinclusivity in the workplace. Affinity Water highly values fostering diverse voices within their organization. It’s why they’ve invested in Read&Write for Work - our software designed to break down barriers and support every voice to be heard. Their membership to Neurodiversity in Business marks another milestone as a neuroinclusive employer.
Affinity Water & Everway: Championing neurodiversity in business together

Free disability & neurodiversity e-module from Lloyds Banking Group

Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) has launched a free disability and neurodiversity e-module to support disability inclusion in the wider community. Below, we discover how it’s already helping them to drive a real change in behavior at LBG and how you can make the most of this offering.
Free training. Disability and neurodiversity e-module from Lloyd's Banking Group

10 DE&I Leaders 'Pass The Torch': 10 Things You Can Do To Personally Make A Change

Diversity, equity & inclusion (DE&I), is everyone’s responsibility. In this blog, 10 DEI Leaders share how you can personally make a change.
Headshots of 10 DEI leaders

Texthelp's Own Journey to Becoming a Disability Confident Employer

Our vision here at Texthelp is of a world where difference, disability or language are no longer barriers. Couple that with our mission of wanting to help unlock everyone’s full potential through innovative technology, and it only makes sense that we get involved in the Department of Work and Pensions’ Disability Confident scheme. Whilst we’ve been committed to the scheme for some time, we’re now a proud Disability Confident Employer with our sights set on becoming a Disability Confident Leader in the near future. So, here’s a little sneak peek into our journey…

9 Insights to Transform Your Classroom from the Back to School Blockbuster

As we’re getting into the flow of the new academic year, creating inclusive, engaging and effective learning environments is continuing to be top of mind for educators and the key that unlocks learner success. The Back to School Blockbuster: Lights, Camera, Educate! conference brought together educators, administrators and advocates to share the latest strategies and insights that can transform classrooms. From addressing the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities to how to reignite a passion for teaching, all of the sessions were designed to inspire and offer practical strategies that can elevate your lessons and help create an inclusive and supportive atmosphere for all learners. Whether you attended the conference or are catching up on the highlights, here are nine key takeaways that spotlight the spirit of the conference...
Drive in cinema scene. Include text reads Back to School Blockbuster: Lights, camera, educate!

Inside Texthelp: “From my culture to yours”

Discover how Texthelp employees have built a global community that celebrates diversity.
Employees in an office working at separate desks on computers

3 reasons to bring disability inclusion to the mainstream: the rising, the unforeseen & the unforgettable

Beyond the moral responsibility to do so, let's take a look at the growing need to bring disability inclusion into the D&I agenda.
A pick and yellow banner with the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in white

10 HR Leaders Make A Pledge For Disability Inclusion

What will you do to challenge unconscious biases, and help your neurodivergent colleagues and those with disabilities, to feel more understood and welcomed in the workplace? Here's 10 pledges from HR leaders.
Montage of HR leaders

How to approach disability inclusion with triple A technique

EY and Texthelp explore how to approach disability inclusion and create lasting impact.
Texthelp EY

Disability inclusion: A Q&A with IBM

In this blog, IBM's Disability Employee Network Group (ENG) Lead and D&I Champion, Alix Horton, shares how IBM champion disability inclusion.
Alix Horton, IBM

9 workplace inclusion questions answered - and tips from 30 DEI experts

Here, we answer 9 key questions around workplace inclusion based on advice shared by speakers at this year's Festival of Workplace Inclusion. Gain tips that'll help you revolutionize inclusion in your workplace.

How to use Universal Design to enhance the employee life cycle

Discover how to enhance every stage of the employee life cycle, from recruitment to retention, using Universal Design. Explore strategies for a more inclusive and productive workplace. Learn more.
icons representing the employee life cycle: Mechanical cog representing Design, Finger point representing Hiring, Pen representing Contracting, Open book representing Training, Graph representing Performance review, Heart representing Wellbeing.

14 ways to future-proof your business with neuro-inclusion

14 business leaders share one key piece of advice on how organizations can be more neuro-inclusive.
Headshot of 14 business professionals

10 business benefits that come from a neurodiverse workforce

10 business leaders share one way neurodiversity has strengthened their business.
Headshot of 10 business professionals

4 ways employers can combat stigmas surrounding neurodiversity

In this interview, Martin McKay shares how to reduce stigma around neurodiversity in the workplace.
A group of colleagues sitting at a table smiling

Supporting neurodiversity in the changing world of work

In this Q&A session, we hear from Aidan Healy, CEO of Lexxic, on supporting neurodiversity in today’s evolving workplace.

Supporting autistic employees during change

In this guest blog, our friends at Auticon tell us how they support employees with Autism during times of change.

12 tips for supporting colleagues with ADHD in the workplace

ADHD coaches, business leaders, and people with lived experience of ADHD share 12 tips to help you support employees with ADHD to accomplish their tasks and feel accepted in the work environment.
Tips for supporting colleagues with ADHD

The key to unlocking neurodiversity & the code for success

In a recent discussion, Texthelp, EY and SAP explored how to unlock the value of neurodiversity. But, what does it mean to ‘unlock the value of neurodiversity?’ Here, we answer that question while highlighting some key insights from the discussion.
Four panel speakers with an audience in front of them. Behind them is a backdrop with the text Building inclusive workplaces: How to unlock the value of neurodiversity

We’re back, with a focus on transforming tomorrow!

On 25 & 26 October, our virtual Festival of Workplace Inclusion will be back. As the second of its kind, it’s become an annual event exploring inclusion for neurodivergent, disabled & multilingual employees, and beyond!